Plan your trial

Utilize your trial to the fullest, understand everything you need to craft a great experience with the platform

We are constantly trying to improve our journey and we hope you will have a great experience.

The trial process

Once you have decided to go ahead with the trial (indicate that by filling the start a trial form) you will be assigned an Experience Manager (EM) who will guide you through the trial process. Here are some of the key milestones for your trial.

  1. Discovery call - finalize objectives of the trial, how the platform can help you and discuss timelines/service limits
  2. Demo / Deep Dive - EM will take you through a customized demo of the platform
  3. Provisioning - the platform will be provisioned and integration details communicated
  4. Cadence - planned interactive sessions (3 sessions of 1hr each at the max) covering integration, configuration and orientation led by the EM and various Subject Matter Experts (SME) groups
  5. Closure and Feedback - Demonstrate the objectives, record user feedback/experience

DNIF HYPERCLOUD is different, our objective is to help you meet your goals and we invest heavily in implementations so you are successful.


Before you begin, here is what you need to plan for. Some planning will ensure you know what you are looking for and you are able to communicate your thoughts with your EM during your discovery call.

  • Event sources you would like to integrate
  • Top 3 challenges you would want to solve with the trial
  • Key use cases that are essential for the trial to succeed

Apart from planning your outcomes, you will also need to plan access for configuration changes on your log sources and also plan the timing around major events like a change freeze.

A typical trial

You would have gathered by now, we love to plan our trials and ensure we deliver the best experience possible. Here is what to expect from the trial.

  • An Engagement Manager (EM) to work with you to achieve goals set by you
  • Professional Plan - subscription
  • 14 Day trial - enabled on the day the tennant is provisioned
  • 150 GB / Day - daily ingest volume
  • 1 - Enrichment integration
  • 1 - Automation for response integration
  • 5 - Event source integrations 

It's exciting to have you onboard, please feel free to schedule a demo to get talking.