
PagerDuty webhook connections allow you to send alert results as a PagerDuty notification. You can learn more about PagerDuty webhooks.


Below is an example on how you can leverage this integration to send alert events to PagerDuty.


"routing_key": "[SERVICE KEY]",
"event_action": "trigger",
"description": "Alert from DNIF - Found Suspicious Remote Desktop Activity on host $DstIP",
"client": "DNIF",
"payload": {
"summary": "summary",
"source": "Monitor Name",
"severity": "info"
image 1-Dec-22-2023-12-04-37-5045-PM

PagerDuty Alert Event, sends an alert to the PagerDuty account based on the values given in the payload.

image 2-Dec-22-2023-12-05-03-7631-PM

In the above figure, a workbook named Suspicious Remote Desktop Network Activity is executed which contains the following blocks:

  • SQL Block: Displays two suspicious Destination IPs on execution of the workbook
  • Signal Block: This will raise a signal on detecting the suspicious IPs.
  • DQL block with _trigger query: Using Webhook integration for PagerDuty, an alert will be sent to the PagerDuty account.