Create a Report

Go to Reports, click the plus icon, the following list will be displayed on screen.

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Tables can be used to generate reports. Select this and it will list all workbooks, select a workbook and click ok, the query results of the selected workbooks will be added to the report in table format.

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Markdown is used to add a title or a brief description about the report or include some details about the tables or the widgets added.

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Widgets are used to add widgets to your report page. Select this and it will list all workbooks with visual blocks added, select a particular workbook or the visual blocks and will be added as a widget to a report.

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  • Click Save icon after adding all the Tables, Markdowns and Widgets.

  • Click the eye icon on top of the page to have a pdf preview of the report page.

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  • The saved report will be displayed on the report list page.